Global Interfaith WASH Alliance
In the lead-up to international celebrations of World Water Day in March, 2013, the "Wings for Water - multi-stakeholder dialogue on water" was held in The Hague. Together with its partners Inner Sense and Earth Charter Netherlands, the Soetendorp Institute served as a co-host of this international gathering. The Institute brought together religious leaders and activists from around the world to discuss the role the world's religions could play in creating a water-secure world.
As a direct outcome of this groundbreaking event, the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA) took flight as the world's first initiative to engage the Earth's many faiths as allies in global efforts on water and sanitation. GIWA will be operating as a decentralized, non-hierarchical and action-oriented civil society network of religious leaders and faith-based organizations united by a common concern: to advance the achievement of the MDG on water and sanitation, and create a world where every human being has access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation.