Interfaith Dialogue

To deepen the understanding and collaboration between the world's spiritual traditions is a core mission of Rabbi Soetendorp's life. For over 40 years he is untiringly active on the local, national and international level to strengthen the bonds of trust and friendship between the different faiths.

This way, he was co-chair of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survivial, which brought together leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa and Al Gore in the early 1990ies, he helped to create the "C100" - the Council of 100 Leaders in Islam-West Dialogue of the World Economic Forum and supported the three World Congresses of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, which took place between 2005 and 2008.

Among others, his current affiliations include: 

The Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders, facilitated by the Elijah Interfaith Institute in Jerusalem where Rabbi Soetendorp serves on the steering committee. The Board brings together some of the world's most prominent religious figures from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and the Religions of India. It provides a platform for sharing ideas and wisdom and addressing today's global problems.

The Safe the Jordan International Adovacy Campaign initiated by EcoPeace / Friends of the Earth Middle East to engage Jewish, Muslim and Christian communities in support of the ongoing advocacy efforts to rehabilitate the lower Jordan River. 

The European Council of Religious Leaders which is led by Religions for Peace, one of the largest international coalitions of representatives of the different faith traditions. 

The European Gathering of Jewish and Muslim Leaders, brought together by the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding and the World Jewish Congress, bringing together more than 50 leaders of Jewish and Muslim communities in Europe.

The "Prinsjesdagviering" - Each year, since 2000, the opening of the Dutch Parliament is preceded by a festive ceremony that includes the blessings and prayers of the key religious and humanistic traditions in the Netherlands. It has proven to be a very successful and inspiring event that provides a gravity and spiritual background to the beginning of the parliamentary sessions and serves as a vital sign of the magnificent cultural and religious diversity in Dutch society.

 Buidling on the expertise Rabbi Soetendorp has gained over the years, the Soetendorp Institute developed a "Faith and Leadership" Training Course for young adults where the participants are provided with skills necessary for responsible leadership and constructive dialogue both within their faith community and between communities of different faiths.

The Temple of Understanding honored Rabbi Soetendorp with their Juliet Hollister Interfaith Award that is presented biannually to three outstanding individuals.

"We have selected Rabbi Soetendorp as one of the awardees to honor his visionary efforts as a champion of human rights, interfaith values...

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flyer_coverAfter a period of intensive planning and conceptualization, the Soetendorp Institute has conducted a "Faith and Leadership" Seminar that is being supported by the municipality of The Hague. The course was co-organized by the International Student Chaplaincy of The Hague as well as the organization...

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Watch Rabbi Soetendorp commemorating the achievements of His Holiness, the XIVth Dalai Lama on the occasion of his 75th birthday on July 5, 2010.

omnis1In support of its many successful initiatives to foster interreligious dialogue, the Soetendorp Institute received a benefit from the Omnis Religio Foundation in Germany. On 9 August, the sponsorship certificate was handed to Rabbi Soetendorp in the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in The Hague. 


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gathering_brussels_01206_-_1_-_michaelthaidigsmannOn December 6, Rabbi Soetendorp participated in a high-level gathering of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders in Brussels organized by the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding as well as the Jewish World Congress (JWC) that brought together some 50 leaders of Jewish and Muslim...

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by Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp, honoring Onondaga Faithkeeper Chief Oren Lyon's 80iest birthday

chief_orenlyonsDuring my first encounter with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in October 1973 immediately after the outbreak of the Yom Kippur war, I reflected that I had had studied and had felt deep concern for the plight...

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solidarity_walkOn Monday, 12 December 2011, the Soetendorp Institute organized an interreligious solidarity march that connected different houses of worship. Oranizing partners were the Islam and Dialogue Foundation and Stek (the Foundation for City and Church).

The march started at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue...

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The Charter for Compassion is a cooperative effort to restore not only compassionate thinking but, more importantly, compassionate action to the center of religious, moral and political life.

logo_cfcThe Charter, crafted by people all over the world and drafted by a multi-faith, multi-national council of...

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On 6-7 April 2009, the second Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) was held in Istanbul, Turkey. The Forum is the world’s premier event aimed at advancing intercultural understanding. Michael Slaby, Program Coordinator at the Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human...

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The Soetendorp Institute


Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values
Van Wijngaerdenstraat 21
2596 TW The Hague
The Netherlands