logoheader_imams_and_rabbis_for_peaceThe Third Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace, held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, focused on the Israel-Palestine confict and was entitled "The Sacredness of Peace." Following the Congress, a final declaration was issued, together with an action plan that formally engaged the participants to work in depth and tangibly for peace. Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp participated in the Congress. During the course of the event, he was interviewed by Al Jazeera Europe where he shared his vision for peace and reconciliation. The interview received very positive reactions from the Muslim participants at the Congress.

To learn more about the Congress of Imams and Rabbis for Peace and to read the action plan, click here

Watch Imam Umair Ahmed Ilyasi, secretary general of the All India Organization of Imam's and Mosques giving an interview during the event and telling about his work of averting anti-Muslim backlash after the recent Mumbai attacks: Click here...


The Soetendorp Institute


Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values
Van Wijngaerdenstraat 21
2596 TW The Hague
The Netherlands